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Reaction Training Device / Hand-Eye Coordination

Principle of operation of the Reaction Time Trainer.

The training involves pressing the currently lit button. In one of the three training modes, the player can set the duration of the reaction time training and the number of seconds the button is lit. We invite you to watch a short video presenting the device during athletes’ training.

The Tokyo model has two modes: SENIOR and JUNIOR. Choose the number of buttons involved in the game or training. SENIOR is the mode for adults – all buttons are used in the game. Junior mode – for exercises, you only use the six central buttons. The side and top buttons are disabled.

The ASUZU Reflex and Reaction Time Device offers a wealth of programming options for school activities, training athletes and events, as well as for rehabilitation and sensory exercises.

The Tokyo model Hand-Eye Coordination is designed to improve reaction speed, motor development, visual coordination and support the work of people responsible for rehabilitation.

The device is also used to monitor a child’s development in terms of reaction speed and response to light stimuli. The rehabilitation version of the software is effective in assisting patients’ return to health. For athletes, reflex training on a batak provides an element of fun, which is often lacking in tedious training plans.

REHABILITATION software is recommended if the device will support a patient’s return to health. The programs are intended for adult rehabilitation and for children (JUNIOR mode) for sensory exercises and for general rehabilitation and cerebral palsy exercises.


Software type SPORT & SCHOOL should be chosen if the reaction time trainer will be used for training athletes or monitoring child development.

REHABILITATION software is recommended if the Sensory Training Device will support a patient’s return to health. The programs are intended for adult rehabilitation and for children (JUNIOR mode) for sensory exercises and for general rehabilitation and cerebral palsy exercise.

Reflex and Reaction Time Device powered by a safe 12V voltage.

The Reaction Training Device is powered by a harmless low voltage of 12V. Whether it’s training or play mode for children, the device is always safe. Simple training programs allow for reaction time measurement.

In measurement mode, the trainer or doctor can set the test time and the button illumination time in anticipation of the subject’s reaction for accurate examination or diagnosis.

As a manufacturer of Hand-Eye Coordination, we pay special attention not only to quality but above all to the simplicity of using.

Technical data and program function description:

Reaction Time Trainer dimensions:

  • width: 157 cm,
  • height: 190 cm,
  • side length: 100 cm for stationary use or 76cm for mobile use

Power supply:

  • voltage: 12V
  • rated power: 12 Watts
  • Display: Touch 4.3 inches

Number of buttons: 12 pieces.

The player has the option to choose one of three main game programs: STANDARD Mode: The most commonly chosen program in gyms and fitness clubs.


  • press as many lit buttons as possible during the training,
  • game time – 60 seconds, button illumination time – 1 second.


The player, trainer, or doctor can set the program settings themselves:

  • training time from 30 seconds to 5 minutes,
  • button illumination time from 500 ms to 3 seconds.


The task of memory mode is to increase the ability to remember along with motor coordination:

  • easy level: training time – 60 seconds, illumination – 3 seconds, sequence – 20 events,
  • medium level: training time – 52 seconds, illumination – 1.3 seconds, sequence – 40 events,
  • easy level: training time – 54 seconds, illumination – 0.9 seconds, sequence – 60 events,
  • genius level: training time – 56 seconds, illumination – 0.7 seconds, sequence – 80 events.

The manufacturer reserves the right to make minor changes to the software versions compared to the above description, as the program is continuously improved based on feedback from users, doctors, and trainers using the Reaction Time Tester in daily practice.